Fortunately, there are a couple of good independent frame stores in Brighton, stocking a range of offbeat and interesting options. I was looking for a pair that would give me that design-y, architecture lecturer vibe; chic, strong, and cool. I'm not sure if I quite achieved that, but the ones I selected did have a certain Great Gatsby / 1920s Oxbridge student feel about them, which I liked. With their more rounded shape, I think they'll be the perfect companion pair for my current angular nerd specs. I'll be sure to post a photo once I've picked them up.
In the meantime, feast your eyes on the lushness that is the Anglo American eye-wear collection. I tried on loads of these, but sadly they all seemed to big for my pointy little shrew face. My husband got himself a lovely Buddy Holly-style pair, though, in a beautiful matte black finish. I'm very jealous.
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